Corvallis Bus
The most convenient way to get live arrival info for Corvallis buses.

Update For Upcoming CTS Schedule (15th September 2019)
The app has been updated with new transit data. Note that it may be necessary to clear your caches or reinstall the app to get the new/changed stops to show up. Please let me know via email if you encounter any issues.
Update For Upcoming CTS Schedule (9th September 2019)
Corvallis Transit System is expanding service, which changes routes, schedules, and stops in the bus system. Information shown in the app may be inaccurate right now. I am working with CTS to get an up-to-date data set in the app and will update this page once that is complete.
How the app works
Corvallis Bus shows live estimates as well as scheduled arrival times. Estimates run up to 30 minutes in the future and appear as "minutes from now", as in "23 minutes". Schedules are set for the whole day and appear as a timestamp, as in "9:38 AM". The app shows the most relevant set of estimates and scheduled times for a given bus stop.
The app will show the 2 nearest arrival times for each route at a given stop. This could consist of only estimates, or a combination of an estimate and the following scheduled time, or only scheduled times. Corvallis Bus tries to guess which of the live estimates from the city's service correspond which scheduled times to avoid showing multiple times for the same bus.
Corvallis Bus also notices when a scheduled bus is late: if a bus is scheduled to arrive in fewer than 30 minutes, but no estimate is being emitted from the city's service, the app shows the time as "over 30 minutes" during a 10 minute grace period. When the bus is scheduled to arrive in 20 minutes but there's still no estimate, Corvallis Bus shows nothing for that arrival time. If an estimate is finally published for that bus at some later point, it will be shown.
The Browse Stops tab can show additional detail about the route schedules for the selected stop, such as the last arrival time for the day. The schedule is analyzed to find a regular pattern, like hourly or half-hourly arrivals with a 10 minute break in the afternoon, and can be summarized as half-hourly or hourly in the app.
Note that CTS's service alerts can contradict the arrival times and route paths indicated in the app. Check the service alerts tab periodically in the app, or sign up for service alerts via email.